
Building Applications

The primary purpose of the City of Cuyuna building code is to provide minimum standards to safeguard life and limb, health, property and public welfare. This is accomplished by carefully regulating and controlling the design, construction, quality of materials, use and occupancy, location, and maintenance of all structures and equipment specifically covered by the City of Cuyuna’s municipal code.

Property owners and authorized agents applying for Land Use Permits are required to acknowledge that as a homeowner/business owner they are aware of the requirements in Minnesota State Statute 326B.85. 

Minnesota State Statute 326B.85, the State of Minnesota requires that all residential building contractors, remodelers and roofers obtain a state license unless they qualify for a specific exemption from the licensing requirements. 

Applications for Land Use permits may be found in the Documents > Applications section of this site. 

Applicants can also contact:

Justin Burslie

Cuyuna Community Development Administrator
Office: 218-895-4151